Music Monday: Béla Bartók

And now, for something a little different…

Happy Birthday, Béla Bartók! I hardly know anything about him. I saw his name on the list of “today’s famous birthdays.” While I’ve enjoyed my share of classical music, I generally like it light, and I’m usually more into guitar (gotta post some Christopher Parkening here sometime). And bluegrass. Or rock. Or Mumford and Sons. Or Gregorian chant. Or…you get the idea. But I thought I’d check Bartók out on

If Monday’s run you off your feet and you’re looking for something to get the juices flowing, there’s nothing quite like a virtuouso pianist pounding the ivories. Here’s an excellent example: Lars Roos playing Béla Bartók’s Allegro Barbaro, Sz 49, BB 63

Now, go conquer the rest of the week!