Win Cool Prizes…Join the Science Fiction Romance Midsummer Blog Hop!

I’m looking forward to participating in the SFR Brigade’s Midsummer Blog Hop on June 22nd!

What is the SFR Brigade, you ask? The SFRB is a collection of authors who write science fiction romance, where anything can happen to characters you care about…anyplace and anywhen the imagination can concoct.

In celebration of the summer solstice, on Friday 22nd June (Pacific Time) the SFR Brigade will be holding its first-ever Midsummer Blog Hop. Thirty-seven fabulous science fiction romance authors will be telling you mystical or scientific stories related to the event, and they’ll each be giving away a prize – books, gift cards, swag bags…and lots more!

My addition to this prize-fest: Anyone who comments on my Midsummer Blog-Hop post on June 22nd will be entered into a drawing for a free copy of “Forge”** (in the winner’s preferred electronic publishing format) and a $10 Amazon gift card.

**Remember, “Forge” doesn’t come out until July 13th!


1st Prize – a Kindle Touch or Nook Touch
2nd Prize – a library of science fiction romance titles from more than 20 authors (mostly in ebook format, with one print anthology) and an Anabanana gift card.
To enter, visit as many blogs listed below as you want to (like mine! ;D) and leave a comment. Each time you comment at a stop, you’ll earn one entry for the grand prizes–so, the more sites you visit, the greater your chances of winning.
Winners will be drawn at random on the 24th of June and announced on this site. The list of participating authors follows, below. Spread the news!

The Day the Music Died

Rest in Peace, Arthel “Doc” Watson, 3/3/1923–5/29/2012.

This was supposed to be a post about enjoying a beautiful day.

My husband and I were supposed to head to Cape Vincent, NY to spend a weekend with a few aunts, uncles, and cousins. But Life intervened. The weather couldn’t be nicer here in North Texas, and I’m taking it as a consolation prize. Sunny, warm (not hot!), with a nice breeze blowing. Made me think of one my favorite tunes, “Windy and Warm,” as performed by Doc Watson.

Hardly anybody really knows about Doc Watson, outside hardcore bluegrass/old-time music fans. We live in a world where razzle-dazzle often trumps true talent, and the two (Lady Gaga notwithstanding) are seldom found together. Doc’s humility precluded razzle, although to hear him play “Black Mountain Rag” you could only be dazzled. At 89, Doc was still traveling and performing, not missing a lick on his hot guitar.

In the interest of widening musical horizons, and celebrating a beautiful day, I decided I’d add a youtube vid of Doc, along with a few lines to describe him. And in the search for some information to share (eight-time Grammy winner–the eighth a life-time achievement award; the man who virtually invented flat-picking fiddle tunes on a guitar–making even intimidating tempos appear effortless; recipient of the National Medal of the Arts)–I came across his obituary. And I teared up.

His music has been there for me since I was in grade school. Good times, and bad. A lot of family memories are wrapped around his music. I’ve tried to learn how he plays “Deep River Blues”; my brother and my niece do a better job of it!

But words are nothing compared to Doc himself. Here are two samples of his work.

The first, Doc in his prime at the 1963 Newport Folk Festival. I saw him perform the second tune, “Black Mountain Rag” at a little tavern in a Philly suburb back in the mid-’90s, and he had us all pounding the tables with his blistering pace. (Faster even, than this recording).

The second is a video from last year. Doc kicks off the gospel set with “Beautiful Golden Somewhere.” In this one, you might notice he’s blind. He lost his sight at the age of one, due to an eye infection.

Doc has found where Somewhere is…may he rest in peace.



Memorial Day…So much more than a picnic

Those of us who live in freedom owe a debt to those who gave their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, so that we could enjoy the blessings of liberty. There is no way to repay this debt to those who have given so much for us and the cause of liberty here and around the globe–except by honoring their memory and their service; and by preserving their gift in our own day, and for our children down through the generations.

Thank you…

…to all those who gave their lives.
…to all those who gave their health of mind and body.
…to all those serving in the Armed Forces, answering today’s call.
…to all the families whose hearts are sorrowful with loss, or troubled with anxiety for a loved one serving in harm’s way.

You are often in my thoughts and prayers.

Easy as iPie…

I’m not exactly a tech-savant, and I tend to take a “grab it and growl” approach to learning my way around a new device or software. So, I’m very pleased to announce that this post is the first one made from my new iPad–a gift from my wonderful husband, who got a little tired of watching me struggle in airport security with my laptop. We travel quite a bit, so he had ample opportunity to see the show. It’s taking me awhile to figure it all out (and I still can’t find the games my sister has on hers), but the journey’s been fun…and traveling will be better than ever.


…to all those who came out to join me in The Romance Studios’ chat room last night, with other Decadent authors, for repartee, laughter, and prizes–free books! I was happy to see some familiar “faces” in the room, for my inaugural authors’ event. Thank you for your support!

Apparently, there were also some access issues–I heard from a couple of folks about getting bounced at the door. I was bounced the first time I tried to get into the chat, myself. I tried one browser, but got a message about Java not being enabled in my browser…? I’m just this side of a techno-peasant, but for some reason, something in the message clicked in my back brain, and I used a different browser, instead. Et voila! Just in case TRS hasn’t fired the bouncer–or if he shows up at the door to other chat rooms–I guess I need to figure out how to update Java and enable it in my browser to avoid future panic attacks on the brink of chat room appearances!

I’m very glad I made it to the chat, because that’s when I learned that “Forge” is scheduled for release on July 13th!

Thanks again for coming out to see me at TRS! And watch the Events page here for news of an upcoming “blog tour” to promote the release of “FORGE: Book I of the Thrall Web Series”!


+ TK

Come on in…


…and set yourself down!

Welcome, and thanks for stopping by my still-under-construction website. Watch out for head bumps and falling objects…

I’m T.K. Anthony, about-to-be-published author of “Forge: Book I of the Thrall Web Series”–coming soon from Decadent Publishing.


Yes, I am just a little excited…could you tell?

Hope to see you around here often!